Bored with never ending & expensive IT projects that never meet trader’s needs in 2020 ? Check Raising Castle innovative solutions

Bored with never ending & expensive IT projects that never meet trader’s needs in 2020 ? Check Raising Castle innovative solutions

Bored with never ending & expensive IT projects that never meet trader’s needs in 2020 ? Check Raising Castle innovative solutions 1197 561 Raising Castle

After many meetings with not only securities finance participants but also private banks, corporates and technology experts, one subject keeps coming back… Why have so many companies let software providers and IT departments take control over the core business? Implemented softwares are filled with bugs, improvements are extremely long to implement and too expensive. IT teams often end up spending their time and budget building bubbles around the core system as it is just impossible to improve. After adding bubbles, it’s quick sand time…
That’s a pretty dark vision, you may say. Yes it is, you are correct. But we have also met traders who are happy with their new trading software even if it took 2 years to implement.
The fact is, once installed, softwares are extremely complicated and expensive to move around. Users build frustration, extract on excel and lose motivation.

Raising Castle was born from this observation of Securities Finance and our experience in IT developing projects for large and medium-sized financial institutions. We noticed over the years, that we always ended up with the same result: a never-ending list of unmet needs through budget restriction or lack of global vision.

Our solutions rely on three principles: scalability, centralization into one tool and the added value of traders.

At Raising Castle, we believe that softwares should all be centralized into one tool, completely scalable and in the hands of the user’s creativity instead of having to go through endless and expensive developments. Our web-based and overlay system enables you to create any new reporting, book-keeping or trading screen in less than five minutes leaving traders time to concentrate on their true business added value.

As Drew Nichol of the Securities Lending Times wrote in his October 2nd article: “Securities finance market participants should aim for small but meaningful improvements to their systems and business processes as opposed to overhauling their entire infrastructure at once, …


It took us more than five minutes to create our video but we unleashed our creativity and most of all, we had fun making it!
So check our solutions to take your step into digitalization and augmented reality trading.

Raising Castle

Drive, change and

steer your machine

Raising Castle

Address :
12 rue du Château d’Eau
Immeuble Altitude – Centre Régus

Phone :
+352 661 825 285