A Technology Company for the Financial Market
A Dashboard & Machine learning in augmented reality
Steer your business with a simple, intuitive and constraint-adjusted tool
Raising Castle
Raising Castle was created to meet the needs of our customers in trading, liquidity and collateral management, as well as regulatory requirements, through the implementation of cutting-edge solutions. Raising Castle develops specialized, innovative and revolutionary solutions to the financial world.

History & Experience

Raising Castle’s team experience running trading and IT projects helped being aware that whilst the Financial Sector is highly dynamic, the world of Securities Finance remains largely unchanged. Still using opaque OTC trading systems, operating manually in a disorganised fashion.
Our project was born from our constant observation of Securities Finance and our experience in IT developing projects for large and medium-sized financial institutions. When trading, we noticed over the years, that we always ended up with the same result; a never-ending list of unmet need through budget restriction or lack of global vision.
Our multidisciplinary team with a strong expertise in Securities Lending, Repo, liquidity, and collateral management is driven by the conviction that Securities Finance systems should work along the Front Office in its decision making. We believe that new solutions must be under traders’ control to focus on their added value.
The market

In 15 years, besides contribution benchmarks (IHS Markit and Datalend), Triparty, and file-sharing trading (EquiLend) there has been no significant structural change.
Traditional revenues based on stock picking and dividend optimisation are in decline as a result of regulatory requirements.
Players are increasingly relying on the digitalisation of processes and volume-driven revenues. They are seeking to change their trading methods to generate new revenues, with the following objectives:
- Trade quickly at the best possible level
- Accelerate transaction processing, from pre to post-trade
- Absolute compliance with regulation
Software providers are often unwilling or unable to adapt their technology to these new challenges.
How to respond to your needs on market evolution

Our solutions rely on three principles: scalability of softwares, centralisation into one tool and the added value of traders.
Current software solutions are well-suited to activities but do not keep pace with regulatory changes or meet management needs. There is a real need to respond quickly to changes in software packages.
Despite technical improvements, the market is still OTC driven and three trading methods continue to dominate: voice (telephone conversations), messaging (Bloomberg and email) and file exchange platforms.
Trading processes, reports and controls need to be centralised into one simple, scalable tool.
Market changes and constantly evolving Compliance regulation frequently result in traders’ time being diverted away from revenue generation. New solutions must be under traders’ control and focus on their essential added value.
Raising Castle’s three revolutionary products aim to respond to the current Securities Finance needs of rapid and easily modifiable softwares, changes in regulatory obligations and increasing revenues. Our products are based on perfect market knowledge and current trading softwares.
Our goal is to demonstrate how our solutions will significantly help you gain in productivity, save costs and increase revenues.